Encounters with wildlife become problematic when these animals intrude into human living spaces, potentially causing property damage or threatening health and safety. Knowing when to seek professional wildlife removal services is essential. Here are some situations where professional help becomes necessary. 

Signs of Infestation

One of the main indicators that you need wildlife removal services is the presence of telltale signs of infestation. These signs might include droppings, claw marks, damaged property, or unusual noises, particularly at night. Unusual odors may also signal an infestation. For example, a musty smell could indicate the presence of bats, while a pungent scent might suggest a raccoon intrusion.

Repeated Sightings

Occasional wildlife sightings, especially in suburban or rural areas, are not unusual. However, if you consistently notice the same animals or types of animals around your property, this could signify a larger problem. For instance, frequent sightings of raccoons during the day could indicate a nearby nest, as these creatures are typically nocturnal.

Damage to Property

Wildlife can cause substantial damage to homes and businesses. For example, squirrels and rats can chew on electrical wires, causing fire hazards. Birds or bats may nest in chimneys or vents, creating blockages. If you notice signs of property damage that can't be attributed to other causes, contacting a professional for wildlife removal may be necessary.

Health Concerns

Many wild animals carry diseases or parasites that can be harmful to humans or pets. From rabies and Lyme disease to ticks and fleas, the health risks associated with wildlife in your living or working environment can't be ignored. If you've seen animals in your home and are concerned about disease transmission, it's time to call a professional.

Failed DIY Attempts

While minor issues can sometimes be addressed with do-it-yourself solutions, these attempts can often exacerbate the problem if not executed correctly. If you've tried to remove wildlife yourself and haven't been successful, or the situation has worsened, it's advisable to seek help from a professional wildlife removal service.

Safety Risks

Attempting to remove wildlife can be dangerous. Wild animals can become aggressive when cornered or threatened, potentially leading to physical injury. Should you feel unsafe due to the presence of a wild animal, you should reach out to a professional immediately.

Preventative Measures and Future Management

Beyond direct removal, professional wildlife services can offer valuable advice on preventative measures and future management strategies to keep wildlife from returning. This additional insight can be crucial to avoid recurring problems and maintain a peaceful coexistence with local wildlife.

Contact a local wildlife removal service, such as Acorn Wildlife solutions, to learn more. 
